
Premier biocluster français, Genopole est un incubateur de projets d’excellence dédié aux biotechnologies. Situé à Evry-Courcouronnes, il offre un environnement unique aux chercheurs et aux entrepreneurs qui souhaitent innover et faire avancer la recherche.

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Que vous soyez chercheur, post-doctorant ou une jeune startup, Genopole vous accompagne à toutes les étapes de votre projet pour vous offrir les meilleures conditions possibles de développement business.

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Chaque jour à Genopole chercheurs, entrepreneurs et étudiants se croisent, cohabitent et collaborent, pour une véritable émulation au service de l’innovation.

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Temps forts

Donner de l’envergure à la recherche et au travail de notre communauté fait aussi partie de nos missions à Genopole. Retrouvez les dernières avancées scientifiques, les succès des acteurs de la biotechnologie et les événements qui animent notre biocluster.

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EndoGene.Bio – Clinical managerH/F

Interested candidates should submit their resume, a cover letter detailing their relevant experience and motivation to our application portal. Our team will review all applications and contact shortlisted candidates for interviews
Application Portal >> >
EndoGene.Bio - Entreprise génopolitaine EndoGene.Bio - Entreprise génopolitaine

ℹ️ Company Overview:

At EndoGene.Bio, we want to bring high level precision medicine to women’s health. To that end, we are working on reducing the time for endometriosis diagnosis from years to weeks thanks to proprietary biomarkers found in menstrual blood.

We believe in doing what is right, not what is easy. We are scientifically driven, daring and believe that hard work and kindness are unbeatable. When a problem gets in the way, we put our heads down and give it our best as a team. We work as a community and want to empower and lift everyone who helps us in our journey, from patients to physicians to industry advisors. Our community is our superhero.

We want our people to stay and grow with us. We are diverse and we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging throughout the company. We want you to use this job to take your career in your hands and shape it to your liking. We want you to try new things, shadow others and take up courses. Your win is our win.

We are going to build a legacy in female health, and we want you in our team.

📌 Position Overview:

As a Clinical Manager at EndoGene.Bio you will play a pivotal role in driving our diagnostic solutions to market. This position requires close collaboration with patient advocacy groups, liaising with doctors and hospital teams, developing clinical protocols, and overseeing sample sourcing. Your expertise will contribute directly to the success and growth of our organisation.

🎯 Key Responsibilities:

Clinical Trials & Protocols:

Lead the development and writing of clinical protocols for our diagnostic tests.
Oversee clinical studies and trials’ execution ensuring adherence to timelines, budgets, and regulatory requirements.
Monitor progress of trials and identify potential risks, implementing strategies to mitigate these risks.

Hospital Recruitment:

Cultivate strong relationships with key opinion leaders, physicians, and hospital administrative staff.
Recruit and onboard hospitals for clinical trials, ensuring they meet all research criteria.
Provide training and resources to hospital teams participating in our studies and trials.

Patient Advocacy Engagement:

Build and maintain relationships with key patient advocacy groups related to endometriosis.
Collaborate with these groups to ensure the patient voice is central in our clinical trials and product development.
Attend and represent the company at patient advocacy events, conferences, and other relevant forums.

Sample Sourcing Activities:

Manage the end-to-end process of sourcing, collecting, storing, and transporting diagnostic samples.
Ensure the highest quality and integrity of samples, adhering to all regulatory and ethical standards.
Coordinate with labs, storage facilities, and transportation providers.

Team Collaboration:

Work closely with cross-functional teams including R&D, Regulatory, Quality Assurance, and Marketing to ensure alignment on project objectives and deliverables.
Provide periodic updates and presentations to senior management on the progress of clinical projects.

🎓 Qualifications:

Medical Doctor (MD) degree, or other degrees + experience in clinical studies in IVD.
Experience in Gynaecology preferred.
Experience in clinical research or clinical project management, preferably related to diagnostics and gynaecological conditions.
Experience working with regulatory guidelines and ethical considerations in in-vitro diagnostic research.
Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal.
Ability to travel as needed.
Languages required: English, French and Spanish

🌍 Location:

Must be based in France or Spain.

🌟 Benefits:

Competitive salary.
Comprehensive health benefits.
Company perks (if on site): transport ticket, meal tickets
Opportunities for professional development.
Collaborative and innovative work environment.

Article posté le 22 avril 2024

EndoGene.Bio – Clinical Manager H/F

Offres d’emplois

Communiqué Genopole

Genopole – Chargé(e) de projets Européens « Food Tech »

Le GIP Genopole recherche un Gestionnaire technique immobilier en CDD pour une durée de 7 mois – Poste basé à Evry-Courcouronnes

Genopole - Logo Vivre l'innovation

Genopole – Apprenti Communication interne & production de contenus(H/F)

Le biocluster Genopole recherche un·e Apprenti·e Communication interne & production de contenus(H/F). Poste en alternance basé à Evry-Courcouronnes

Genopole - Logo Vivre l'innovation

Genopole – Apprenti Chargé(e) de projet innovation(H/F)

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Genopole - Logo Vivre l'innovation

Genopole – Apprenti Chargé(e) de prospection (H/F)

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Communiqué Genopole

Genopole – Gestionnaire technique immobilier H/F

Le GIP Genopole recherche un Gestionnaire technique immobilier en CDD pour une durée de 7 mois – Poste basé à Evry-Courcouronnes

AFM-Téléthon Evry

AFM-Téléthon – Référent Parcours de santé H/F

L’AFM-Téléthon poursuit son action d’accompagnement des personnes malades et de leur entourage, et recherche un·e Référent Parcours de santé (H/F) en CDD de 14 mois poste basé à Saint-Priest (69)

AFM-Téléthon Evry

AFM-Téléthon – Un(e) Responsable développement partenariats

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AFM-Téléthon Evry

AFM-Téléthon – Gestionnaire paie H/F

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AFM-Téléthon Evry

AFM-Téléthon – Responsable Développement Sport H/F

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Hybrigenics - entreprise genopolitaine

Hybrigenics – Technicien(ne) supérieure de laboratoire (H/F) – CDI

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Genopole - Logo Vivre l'innovation

Genopole – Juriste Marchés Publics (H/F)

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Nutropy - Entreprise Génopolitaine

Nutropy – Analytical Technician

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So Sweet - Entreprise génopolitaine

So Sweet – Responsable Recherche & Développement – CDI (H/F)

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Genopole - Logo Vivre l'innovation

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Nutropy - Entreprise Génopolitaine

Nutropy – Internship – Molecular Biology R&D H/F

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Texcell - entreprise génopolitaine

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Texcell - entreprise génopolitaine

Texcell – Technicien·ne de laboratoire H/F – CDI

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Nutropy - Entreprise Génopolitaine

Nutropy – Stage bras droit CEO H/F à partir de septembre 2024 – Flexible

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EndoGene.Bio - Entreprise génopolitaine

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EndoGene.Bio - Entreprise génopolitaine

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Voir tout >
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Région île de France